Why It Is Important to Maintain Well Child Care During COVID-19


Many parents have asked if their children really need to come in for their well child appointment right now given the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand many parents are worried about exposure at a doctor’s office. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association urge parents to maintain wellness visits and vaccinations for their children. This is because the short-term and long-term harm of delaying well care outweighs the risk of possible exposure, especially as offices have implemented stringent safety measures in response to COVID-19. 

-For young babies and toddlers, there is a great amount of growth and development that happens in the first few years of life. A lot can change in just weeks or a couple months. Well visits help us make sure your child is meeting critical developmental milestones and growing appropriately. The earlier we can detect a possible issue, the better.


-Regular well visits keep your child’s immunizations on track, which help avoid preventable illnesses. The Oregon Health Authority has stated that vaccinations are essential and should be continued because the lack of vaccination puts patients and others at risk. Additionally, mass delays in vaccinations, even for a short period, can easily lead to outbreaks of other infections like measles and whooping cough.

-For patients with ongoing conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, anxiety, depression, etc.), well visits are a chance to check in to see how your child is doing managing those conditions and discuss whether any adjustments need to be made.


-Our routines and daily lives have drastically changed over the past several weeks. It is okay and normal for your child (and parents!) to feel more scared, anxious, and maybe depressed. If your family is having a hard time adjusting to the new normal, our caring providers are here to talk with you and connect you with any tools and resources you may need.


-As a bonus, keeping your child’s well visit now while schools are closed means they won’t have to miss school for an appointment later when classes are back in session.


Our staff and providers are dedicated to keeping your family safe when visiting our offices. We have many safety steps in place to protect all who walk through our doors, including separate, designated sites for well care and response care. To learn more about everything we are doing to ensure your safety, click here.

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A group of young girls participate in a ballet class.

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