Tamara L. Pederson

The relationship between the patient and psychologist is the foundation upon which meaningful and effective care is built. Compassion and a deep interest in understanding others’ life experiences is always at the core of my patient interactions. With these grounding values, families can then affirm their strengths and discover their path toward change and growth.
About me
Dr. Tamara Pederson joined the PANW as it’s first-ever psychologist, launching what has become a thriving integrated care practice. In her role as Behavioral Health Director, she guides the ongoing development of integrated care services at PANW. Dr. Pederson speaks of psychology as her “second career,” having first earned her Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy and working for several years with children and adolescents challenged by multiple disabilities, and then in inpatient psychiatric facilities. Her interest in helping others led her to earn her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at California School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Pederson sought training and professional experiences that would prepare her to work with a wide variety of people and address a broad range of concerns. She completed her pre-doctoral internship at Montana State University’s Center for Counseling and Psychological Services and her post-doctoral work at Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center. Prior to joining PANW, Dr. Pederson worked in private practice settings and an integrated primary care clinic, and provided psychological services in a general medical hospital within the emergency department, medical/surgical, obstetrics, and critical care units.
Dr. Pederson continues to treat a wide variety of behavioral health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD, and utilizes a number of different evidence-based treatment approaches, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and clinical hypnosis. While her many years of professional psychology practice have honed her skills as a generalist, Dr. Pederson has a special love for integrated care and is honored to be of service to the children, adolescents, and young adults of PANW. She finds such joy in helping, learning with, and laughing with all the amazing children and teens she meets. Getting to know her patients is a wonderful process of discovery. Dr. Pederson practices in our Portland office.
With true compassion, Dr. Pederson accepts the humanity of all people and believes that we are more alike than different. She also seeks to understand how things came to be as they are and how they might evolve. Whether it’s why human beings are as they are, how societies and cultures evolved as they have, or why her peonies are not as fluffy as their neighbor’s flowers, she just likes to contemplate big questions- even if she never finds a good answer!
Growing up on a farm but always a city girl at heart, Dr. Pederson lived and practiced as a psychologist in small towns and big metropolitan areas, but she believes Portland beats everything so far. She loves trying out new restaurants all over the city and thrives during Oregon’s beautiful summers, spending hours each weekend on her back porch, reading and soaking up the sun.
Dr. Pederson is a natural problem-solver, always thinking of options and solutions for her patients.
She enjoys thinking about why things are the way they are and how they came to be.
She accepts the humanity of all people.