As the supply of Covid tests have improved and the demand for testing has started to decrease, PANW has once again re-opened patient testing for travel, leisure, and return to sports. We continue to offer testing for patients with symptoms and/or exposure, and return to school. Virtual visits prior to testing are still required to ensure we are testing within the right timeframe and using the appropriate type of test for the most accurate results. Please call our office to schedule.
Note: Patients who have a positive home antigen test do NOT need a PCR test in the office to confirm their results. Positive antigen test results are reliable and can be trusted.
For parents who need testing, the Oregon Health Authority’s website is a great resource for locating additional testing (and vaccine) sites in the community.
Oregon Health Authority/CDC Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines
Use the table below or the CDC’s Quarantine and Isolation calculator tool to quickly find out if you need to quarantine or isolate, for how long, and what precautions to take.
Note: Day 1 is the first full day after your last contact with someone who has COVID-19.

Note: Day 1 is the first full day after your symptoms developed or your test was performed.