Does My Child Have Pink Eye?
Red, watery, and itchy eyes? Lots of goop and eyelids stuck together when you wake up? Yep, sounds like a good ol’ fashioned case of conjunctivitis (pink eye).
Red, watery, and itchy eyes? Lots of goop and eyelids stuck together when you wake up? Yep, sounds like a good ol’ fashioned case of conjunctivitis (pink eye).
Pediatric Associates of the Northwest updates its masking policy, effective April 3rd, 2023.
Learn how to know when your child’s rash on Amoxicillin is a true allergy.
Sleep deprivation is a precursor for all kinds of unpleasant symptoms, including poor or risky decision-making, moodiness and irritability, and lack of energy. Does that sound like your teen? While healthy nutrition and regular exercise are certainly part of the equation, examine how much sleep your teen gets on average.
There are only so many apps one can use regularly, and there are thousands of parenting apps to choose from. So how does a parent or guardian decide which parenting apps are worth installing and which aren’t?
Pediatric Associates of the Northwest shares tips for parents navigating the current shortage of ADHD medications.
Most of us knew parenting wouldn’t be easy, but it’s impossible to understand the rigors of the job until you’re swimming (or dog paddling) in the midst of it. Parenting burnout is a real thing, and if you’re not careful, parenting fatigue and burnout have negative impacts on your health and well-being – as well as the well-being of your family.
Our new patient portal, called “My Kid’s Chart,” allows us to make more health information available to families and is more user-friendly. Learn more and sign up today.
Flu season is in mid-swing, so we want to help families understand what’s making the rounds this time of year – and which symptoms are most likely to show up if your child catches a bug.
Sleep is essential for our overall well-being. While diet and exercise get a fair share of the media limelight regarding physical health, sleep deserves a more prominent role onstage.