Best Indoor Play Spaces and Activities in Portland

Two young girls play among orange and green foam blocks in an indoor kids playground.

Regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil predicts, those of us living in Portland and the surrounding areas can almost always predict another six weeks (or more!) of wet, chilly winter weather after Groundhog Day on February 2nd.

7 Ideas to Keep Your Children Active This Winter Season

That means parents must get creative to find ways for children to get moving, be socially engaged with minimal screen time, and enjoy a change of scenery outside of the house.

1. Take Field Trips to Portland-Area Libraries

Libraries are excellent resources for indoor activities, and our Portland-area libraries are known for their extensive winter programs, classes, and activities. One great reason to explore your local and regional libraries is that their activities are typically organized by age group, ensuring that everyone finds something suited to their needs and interests. Plus, the programs designed by libraries are intentional and support children’s appreciation for literacy, storytelling, and playtime with others.


If you regularly attend your neighborhood library, this is an excellent opportunity to visit another library. Your children will enjoy seeing a new library landscape, as each library in Portland, Tigard, and Beaverton has its own personality and programming options.


2. Visit an Indoor Pool

Does your family automatically associate pool time with summertime? Then, your kids will be excited to learn that Portland has several indoor pools and aquatic centers that offer family and peer playtime swim hours throughout the winter and early spring months.


Visit Portland’s Parks & Rec Pools page for more information about play swim hours and which indoor pools are open (schedules can vary from pool to pool). Beaverton residents can check out the swim schedule for the Beaverton Swim Center.


We also recommend visiting the North Clackamas Aquatic Park, which offers extra fun features and play areas for kids and their families.

3. Head to an Indoor Playground

The Portland area has many indoor playground opportunities. However, parents need to be discerning. Indoor playgrounds and playhouses can be overwhelming for children with sensory sensitivities, such as those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or for little ones (if they don’t have a designated toddler area).


We recommend visiting websites and reading reviews before taking children under the age of 4.


Examples of our area’s indoor playgrounds include:



Indoor Play Spaces Ideal For Toddlers



These are just the start. Use your online search engine to research more indoor play places and visit the ones near you to find a new favorite hangout.

4. Visit or Join a Mom/Parent Group

Don’t underestimate the benefits of joining a mom or parenting group if you have a baby or toddler. These gatherings allow you to connect with other new parents (or parents of kids 0 – 5) while also providing the chance for social engagement for the babies and toddlers. Most groups alternate where they meet, allowing you to learn about local indoor play opportunities you didn’t know about or hadn’t been to before.

For those with new babies, drop in on our weekly Baby Hour, where we share in the joys and challenges of parenthood within a safe, supportive, judgment-free environment. We cover everything from baby sleep and feeding to taking care of yourself postpartum, and more.

We also recommend checking out our Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) Groups for children ages 4 months to 6 years old. These are facilitated by our experienced behavioral health psychologists and staff, specifically trained in this evidence-based program that helps parents recognize and understand their children’s emotions. Participants also learn how to cope with and manage those feelings.

5. Roller and Ice Skating Rinks

There are several reasons we recommend visiting the area’s roller and ice skating rinks. Firstly, it’s just plain ol’ fashioned fun, and you get a great workout to boot. Secondly, if you’re not 100% solid in your skating or blading, it’s an excellent opportunity to remember what it’s like to learn something new or to feel you’re not (yet) good at something (children experience this all the time).


Being in the “beginner space” evens the playing field with your children. It’s good for them to see adults trying something outside their comfort zone, that’s a little scary, or that they don’t excel at. You have the opportunity to model that adults are always learning, too.


Roller rinks



Ice skating arenas


6. Spend a Day at Oaks Park

The Oaks Park amusement park is celebrating its 120th birthday here in Portland. As long as you’re bundled up, you can enjoy the entire park on all but the rainiest or coldest days. However, the park also offers plenty of indoor and under-cover attractions (like the skating rink we linked to above), making it a fun place to wile away a dreary winter day.

7. Bundle Up and Head Outdoors

There’s a Norwegian saying, “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær!” The English translation is, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!” If you have the proper layers and weather-resistant materials, parents and kids can play outdoors in almost every weather imaginable.


Of course, pushing a stroller through mud and rain isn’t ideal, so we understand the desire to stay indoors on the most inclement weather days. However, you’d be amazed how beautiful it can be to get outside and active – even on a cloudy, cold, or mildly drizzly day. Pack some snacks and head to our area’s plethora of regional parks and hiking trails, which can be appreciated in all seasons.

Share Your Favorite Winter Play Destinations with Your Pediatrician

You can also check out this post from PDX Parent for more information about the best indoor play places and activities in Portland, broken up by region.


At this time of year, PANW physicians and staff frequently receive requests from parents looking for new indoor or covered areas for their children to play. Do you have a favorite? Share it with us on our social channels, or let us know what you’ve discovered at your next wellness appointment.

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